Installation Instructions


Check that the requirements are met.

Install Using LIP

  1. Install the LIP package either by running lip.Install "table-templates" in the Immediate Window in the VBA editor or by downloading the LIP zip file for the latest release from Lime Store and run lip.InstallFromZip.
  2. Copy the addon_tabletemplates folder in the apps catalog to the subfolder apps in the Actionpad folder.
  3. Copy the file actionpads\tommytemplate.html to the Actionpads folder.
  4. Copy the file actionpads\resources\tommytemplate.png to the Actionpads\resources folder.
  5. In the Actionpad where you want to use Table Templates, add the instantiation of the LBS app (as shown below).
  6. In LISA, select lbs.html as Actionpad on the newly created table tommytemplate.
  7. Publish the Actionpads.
  8. Restart Desktop Client.
<div data-app="{app:'addon_tabletemplates',config:{
    hideTabTemplates: true|false

Manually fixes after installing LIP package

  1. Make sure that the following fields share Options:
    • tommytemplate_table.orderby1_order
    • tommytemplate_table.orderby2_order
    • tommytemplate_table.orderby3_order
  2. If there is an empty option on the following fields, remove it:
    • tommytemplate_table.sourcetype
    • tommytemplate_table.orderby1_order
    • tommytemplate_table.orderby2_order
    • tommytemplate_table.orderby3_order